Charity Initiative And Bring Netball To Underprivileged Children
Charity Initiative And Bring Netball To Underprivileged Children
31 Jul 2019My team (made up of Maeve Young, Maddie Kwan, Andrea Chan and myself), decided to take it upon ourselves to organise and host a fundraising charity netball tournament at South Island School. We had students sign up with a donation and played a series of matches against each other and the senior students played against teachers. We raised over $5,500 which was donated to ‘Angels for Children’ and went towards sponsoring three orphans from Po Leung Kuk to have a scholarship and train for an under 10’s junior netball team here at the Club. We held a number of training sessions at PLK where we taught the kids some drills and the basic rules of netball before selecting just a couple of very passionate and potential stars! We would like to say a massive thank you to Suzanne Sadler, Mary Vlogianitis, Vivian Ip, Iris Chan and Cheryl White for supporting us throughout this project.
Adele Rooney